Socio-Economic Condition, Dietary Pattern and Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children among Settlers and Ethnic Communities in Bandarban District of Bangladesh

Author Details

Md Monoarul Haque, Khaleda Islam

Journal Details


Published: 20 August 2019 | Article Type :


Nutrition is a foundation to ensure good health. The geographic and demographic factors affect food and nutrition. Life of the tribal people is diverse and distinct. This study focuses socio-economic condition, dietary pattern and nutritional profile of preschool children among ethnic minorities and settlers at a single point in a specified time in sadar upazila of Bandarban district. This area was conveniently selected to collect sample because both settlers and ethnic groups reside here concurrently. Each union/ward was one cluster and from each cluster sample was collected by visiting door to door. The dietary energy intake was determined by three days 24 hours recall method. Statistical Package for Social Sciences 22.0 version was used for data analysis. Nutritional status was determined by ENA for SMART - Software. Mean age of the children was 4.21±0.80 (ethnic) and 4.10±0.84 (settler). Most of the parents completed primary education. Father of the children was day labor and mother was housewife. Average monthly family income among ethnic and settler was 10316.53±10013.97 and 17515.50±10128.11 BDT. Average weight and height of ethnic children was 16.18 kg and 97.45 cm whereas settler children carried 14.01 kg weight and 94.73 cm height and this difference was statistically significant. Normal and underweight ethnic children were 84.80% and 15.20% whereas 67% and 33% among settler group. Distribution of normal and stunted ethnic children was 62.80% and 37.20% and among settler it was 55.0% and 45.0%. About 8.60% and 15% children were wasted among ethnic and settler. Statistically significant association was found between condition of latrine and ethnic child nutritional status (HAZ). Source of drinking water was significantly associated with ethnic children nutritional status (WAZ) as like immunization and de-worming status. Average calorie intake of ethnic children was 1037.33 per day whereas settler children took 986.86. Mean protein, carbohydrate and fat intake of ethnic children was higher than settler children and it was statistically significant. Monthly family income, condition of latrine, housing status and group (ethnic/settler) influence significantly nutritional status of children. It is concluded that nutritional status of pre-school ethnic children was comparatively better in terms of weight, height, calorie intake, protein, fat and carbohydrate consumption and immunization coverage. This research finding will be helpful for policy maker and planner to develop new plan and strategy to combat under nutrition.

Keywords: Socio-economic condition, dietary pattern, nutritional status, pre-school children, settler, ethnic community.

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How to Cite


Md Monoarul Haque, Khaleda Islam. (2019-08-20). "Socio-Economic Condition, Dietary Pattern and Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children among Settlers and Ethnic Communities in Bandarban District of Bangladesh." *Volume 2*, 2, 8-19